June 19th, 2015

What is Multichannel Communications?

What is Multichannel Communications?

Technology has empowered the consumer, putting him in the driver’s seat 24/7. In other words it is the customer who decides when and how to interact during a business relationship.

Why is Multichannel Communications important for your business?

This could be with a bank, an insurance company, a telecommunications organization a utilities group or any other entity. However if a consumer receives a message that is not relevant to him, or via the wrong media or at the wrong time, his customer experience will be far from optimal.

How can enterprises deal with this? Multichannel communications is a major part of the answer as it enables companies to reach out to customers via their preferred channel, whether it be on paper, a smartphone, laptop or other device. Companies need to move from simply sending information to actually interacting with customers. And they need to ensure their customers are motivated to interact with them.


You may have already decided you need to invest in a multichannel communications platform. Or maybe you are not so sure. Whatever questions you may have, this white paper will help you make the right choice for both your customers and your business. There is no single solution to suit every business. But if you make multichannel communications part of your overall business strategy you will be able to ensure that all the necessary elements of your customer communications are adapted to suit your budget and expectations.


Read this white paper to learn about:

  • The difference between multichannel and omnichannel communications
  • Customer Communications Management
  • Embracing digital and enhancing physical mail
  • The business benefits of multichannel communications
  • Key facts and figures from the UK
  • The foundations of effective customer communications
  • The importance of data


"If enterprises really want to maximize the impact of digital communications they need to acknowledge SMAC (social media, mobility, data analytics and cloud computing) trends."

- Henri Dura, Managing Director, Neopost Document Solutions and CEO, GMC Software Technology